Thursday, August 30, 2018

I have arrived

Welcome to DC!

Home of the White House, the Washington Monument, political undercurrents, and scores of interns, including me.

I'm going to try to keep everyone updated through this blog. Bug me if I don't keep up, though there will likely be a couple of weeks where I don't have anything new to post, once I get settled in to my work and the city.

Day 1 (not the day I flew in; that doesn't count. Also not the day after; I spent that day getting to the apartment and getting unpacked and settled, so officially today, the 30th):

Today, I rode the Metro! It's not all that different from the England's Underground or Paris' Metro, which is awesome because I've been on both more than a few times. I love riding the Metro in any location. I think I could make it a full-time job, just sitting there watching people hop on and off. Don't tempt me.

I got my groceries delivered, because that's a thing that can happen here and I love it. The delivery guy was super nice and the free shipping deal doesn't hurt at all. Prices are pretty much the same as any grocery store. Neat-o. So today, I made a burger (patty). I browned some garlic and onions, then added butter and browned that as well. Threw the patty onto the pan and browned that. Let me tell you guys: it was amazing. I'm a genius. Unfortunately, my avocados weren't ripe, so I just cut up some tomatoes and made cucumber sticks and ate those instead. Aaaaand I just realized I forgot to grab a banana while I was at Starbucks. Shoot dang,

Life not being an employee Starbucks is amazing, by the way. That job just got too stressful. I'm bored as all get-out not having a job, but I'm using the time to get ahead on my homework and get a little glimpse of the city.

It is also thundering outside, so I'm going to stop typing and go see that!

Au revoir, mes bons amis!

My walk to Union Station:
 Union Station:
 The view from the apartment I share with 5 other girls: